电脑艺术设计作为一个新兴的学科 ,其在艺术设计领域中的作用是不可忽视的 .目前国内这方面教学才刚刚起步 ,从电脑艺术设计的特点出发 ,认为学生在学习中容易犯舍本求末的错误 。
As a newly developing subject,computer artistic design's developing tendency should not be neglected,so does its function in the field of artistic design.At present,the domestic research in the aspect of teaching just begins.starting from the character of compurer artistic design,the author analysed the unreasonable studying methods.As a result of that,the students often make the mistakes of seeking the unimportance while ignoring the key.So,in teaching we should pay more attention to cultivating the students' ability of combination of artistic design thoughts with computer,the modern technical tool.
Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology