在社会思潮纷繁的背景下 ,我们要正视思想道德领域价值取向多元化倾向 ,在事关为谁育人、育什么人的高校意识形态阵地旗帜鲜明地强调德育工作中价值导向的一元化 ,弘扬社会主义的主导价值观 .要充分发挥德育的文化功能 ,优化育人环境 ,把坚持“三个面向”、培育“四有”
On the background of complex ideolgical trends,we should face up to multi-trends in ideological and ethical fields;Besides,we should emphasize the centralized trend on the exact ideological sphere to develop and expand the leading socialism value.We should give full scope to moral education,potimize educational conditions,and set up sticking to 'Three Orients' and cultivating 'Four Haves Graduates' as colleges'objective of moral education.
Journal of Shijiazhuang College of Applied Technology