毛泽东在长期的革命和建设实践中 ,高度重视领导方法 ,探索和总结出了一套比较系统科学的领导方法理论 ,成为指导中国革命和建设事业走向胜利的重要思想 ,构成了毛泽东思想的重要组成部分。其主要内容是 :科学的领导方法至关重要 ,掌握思想领导是掌握一切领导的首位 ,从群众中来、到群众中去是基本的领导方法 ,调查研究是基本工作方法 ,矛盾分析也是重要的领导方法。当前 ,学习和研究毛泽东的领导方法 ,不仅具有重要的理论价值 ,而且具有迫切的现实意义。
In the long-term practice of revolution and construction, Mao Zedong attached great importance to methods of leadership, explored and summed up a series of comparatively systematic and scientific theory of leading methods, which have both become an important thought in leading the cause of the Chinese revolution and construction to victory, and constituted an important component part of Mao Zedong Thought. It's main content is that the scientific method of leadership is of vital importance, the grasping of ideological leadership is at the head of all the other methods of leadership; investigation and study are the basic working methods,and contradictory analysis is also an important method of leadership. At present, the learning and studying of Mao Zedong's methods of leadership are not only of great value in theory, but also of urgent significance in reality.
Journal of Qujing Normal University
Mao Zedong's thought of leadership
science of leadership
method of leadership