手风琴即兴伴奏能力是中小学音乐教师的基本技能 ,也是高师手风琴教学的重要环节。由于这一课程开设时间短 ,教学内容多 ,许多教师将重点放在培养学生的独奏能力上 ,而忽视了伴奏能力的培养。即兴伴奏与手风琴基本功训练同步进行并付诸实践的教学方案 ,在教学实践中收到了显著的教学效果。
The ability of playing impromptu accordion accompaniment,which forms the important part of music teaching,is the basic technique for music teachers in both primary and middle schools.Many teachers have focused their attention on the students ability of playing accordion solo and overlooked the ability of playing accompaniment ability for various reasons such as the limited teaching hours and over-loodecl teaching contents.To cope with this,the article puts forward the teaching program that includes both the ability of play accordion impromptu accompaniment and the cultivation of basic skills of playing accordion.The result of the program proves fairly effective.
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges