
Preparation of insoluble fibroin films and its tensile property 被引量:1

Preparation of insoluble fibroin films and its tensile property
摘要 Silk fibroin is becoming a promising biomate-rial because of its excellent biocompatibility. However, theregenerated fibroin is usually soluble in water and its me-chanical properties should be improved. Although manymethods, such as adding other polymers or treating withmethanol, can ameliorate the mechanical properties andinsolubility, the biocompatibility of fibroin is usually dam-aged in these processes. In this article, it is first reported thatthe insoluble fibroin films are directly prepared withoutmethanol treatment. According to the results of Fouriertransform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and the X-ray dif-fraction (XRD), the amount of IS-sheet conformation in-creased with the increasing of concentration. When fibroinfilms are dried from 15 wt% at 60℃, the films become in-soluble in water. More importantly, The tensile strength andelongation of the insoluble fibroin films dried from 15% so-lution at 60℃ reached 15.9 MPa and 49.4% respectively in the wet state, which is distinctly superior to the fibroin films treated with methanol. Silk fibroin is becoming a promsing biomate-rial because of its excellent biocompatibility. However, theregenerated fibroin is usually soluble in water and its me-chanical properties should be improved. Although manymethods, such as adding other polymers or treating: withmethanol, can ameliorate the mechanical properties andinsolubility, the biocompatibility of fibroin is usually dam-aged in these processes. In this article, it is first reported thatthe insoluble fibroin films are directly prepared withoutmethanol treatment. According to the results of Fouriertransform infrared spectroscope (FTIR) and the X-ray dif-fraction (XRD), the amount of β-sheet conformation in-creased with the increasing of concentration. When fibroinfilms are dried from 15 wt% at 60℃, the films become in-soluble in water. More importantly, The tensile strength andelongation of the insoluble fibroin films dried from 15% so-lution at 60℃ reached 15.9 MPa and 49.4% respectively inthe wet state, which is distinctly superior to the fibroin filmstreated with methanol.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第10期1009-1011,共3页
关键词 不可溶蚕丝蛋白薄膜 机械性质 生物适应性 傅立叶变换红外光谱 fibroin insoluble mechanical properties concentration
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