
基于幂零泛与运算模型的命题模糊逻辑 被引量:3

A Model of Nilpotent-Universal-Conjunction-Based Propositional Fuzzy Logic
摘要 本文讨论了泛与运算模型 T(x,y,h)(h∈(0,0.75))的一些性质;证明了泛与运算模型 T(x,y,h)(h∈(0,0.75))是一个幂零三角范数;而且泛与运算模型 T(x,y,h)(h∈(0,0.75))与泛蕴涵运算模型 I(x,y,h)(h∈(0,0.75))是一个伴随对;进一步证明了([0,1],∨,∧,*,→,0,1)作成一个 MV-代数。给出了基于幂零泛与运算模型 T(x,y,h)(h∈(0,0.75))的模糊命题演算系统 PC(T),证明了此命题演算系统与 Lukasiewicz 逻辑命题演算系统是等价的。 In this paper,we discuss some properties about the model of universal conjunction T(x,y,h)(h ∈(0, 0.75)). We prove that the model of universal conjunction T(x,y,h)(h ∈(0,0.75)) is a nilpotent triangular norm, and the model of universal conjunction T(x, y, h ) (h ∈(0,0.75) ) and the model of universal implicat ion I(x, y, h)(h ∈ (0,0.75)) form an adjoint pair. Moreover,we show that ([0,1], ∨,∧,*,→,0,1) is a MV-algebra. The system PC (T) of fuzzy propositional calculus by the model of nilpotent universal conjunction T(x, y ,h)(h ∈(0,0.75)) is given. We show that the system PC(T) of fuzzy propositional calculus and the system of Lukasiewicz logic propositional cal- culus are equivalent.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第8期97-99,共3页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60273087) 北京市自然科学基金(4032009)资助
关键词 泛与运算模型 泛蕴涵运算模型 幂零三角范数 剩余 伴随对 数理逻辑 The model of universal conjunction The model of universal implication Nilpotent triangular norm Residuum Adjoint pair
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