目的加强对肝内胆管结石并发周围型胆管癌临床特点的认识。方法回顾性分析1 995年 1月至 2 0 0 2年 1 2月经病理证实的 1 1例肝内胆管结石并发周围型胆管癌的临床资料 ,并对其诊断、治疗和预后进行总结。结果 1 1例周围型胆管癌的发生率占同期肝内胆管结石患者的 5 1 %(1 1 / 2 1 5 ) ,左肝占 6 4 7% (7/ 1 1 )。 1 1例均经手术治疗 ,术前诊断率为 2 7% (3/ 1 1 ) ,术中漏诊率为1 8% (2 / 1 1 ) ,根治性切除率为 2 7% (3/ 1 1 ) ,手术死亡率为 9% ,总的并发症发生率为 72 7% ,以感染性并发症为主。术后 1、2年的生存率分别为 33%和 1 1 %。结论必须警惕肝内胆管结石并发周围型胆管癌的可能 ,早期诊断和根治性切除率低 。
Objective To understand the clinical features of peripheral cholangiocarcinoma (PC) developed against the background of hepatolithiasis. Methods Between 1995 and 2002, a total of 11 PC patients with definite history of hepatolithiasis were treated surgically in our hospital. The diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of this clinical entity were retrospectively analyzed. Results Peripheral cholangiocarcinoma occurred in 5 1% of patients with hepatolithiasis in this group and the tumor was located in the left lobe in 7 (64 7%) cases. All patients underwent laparotomy, with diagnosis established preoperatively in 3 (27 2%) cases and intraoperative diagnosis was missed in 2 (18 1%) cases. Radical resections were performed in only 3 (27 2%) cases. The overall operative morbidity and mortality were 72 7% and 9 1% respectively . Infection was the main postoperative complication. The postoperative 1 and 2 year survival rate was 33 3% and 11 1% respectively. Conclusions Cholangiocarcinoma may develope in patients with a history of hepatolithiasis. The prognosis of PC is still poor because of the difficulty to achieve early diagnosis and radical resection.
Chinese Journal of General Surgery