无刷直流电机因动态性能好、调速灵活、效率高等优点被广泛的应用于各种驱动和伺服控制领域 ,而驱动无刷直流电机的逆变器一般却工作在硬开关状态下 ,产生了较大的开关损耗 ,降低了电机的效率。因此为了减小开关损耗 ,本文给去了一种方法 ,即在直流电源和逆变器之间加入一谐振电路来实现其开关管的零电压开通和关断 ,从而大大降低了逆变器的开关损耗 。
Brushless dc motor has been widely used in industrialapplications because of its fast response, high power density and high reliability. It is usually supplied by a hard-switching PWM inverter, which have high switching power losses and reduce the efficiency of Brushless dc motor. In order to reduce the losses, this paper introduces a resonance soft-switching inverter which generates notches of the dc bus voltage becomes to zero during chopping switches commutation to guarantee all switches working in zero voltage state.