目的探讨各种自体组织在耳鼻咽喉头颈肿瘤手术缺损修复中的应用。方法下咽癌4例,腮腺癌1例,耳廓癌1例。对6例肿瘤病例进行手术切除,并采用自体带蒂肌皮瓣或带血管蒂的胃肠组织对手术缺损处进行修复。结果 6例病例手术均Ⅰ期完成,形态功能得到Ⅰ期修复。至今均健在。结论随着各种修复材料在耳鼻咽喉头颈外科的广泛应用,使各种晚期的头颈部肿瘤可以得到彻底切除并Ⅰ期修复,扩大了手术适应证,提高了生存率,改善了生存质量,具有临床实用价值。
Objective To implore the application of various self-tissues in repairment of postoperative injury of ENT-head-neck tumor. Methods 4 carcinomas of inferior pharynx,1 carcinomas of auricle, 1 carcinomas of parotid, operated for the 6 cases,using self musculo-cutaneous flap or GI tissue with vein-pedicel repaired the injury. Results 6 patients,whose operations achieved and function repaired in one-stage, are all still living in good health. Conclusion Head-neck tumors in terminal stage can be resected completly in one-stage as various tissues using in ENT-head-neck surgery extensively, that enlarged surgicaladaptation,improved survial rate, ameliorated survial quality. We think it has cininal value.
The Medical Forum