目的 :脱氢表雄酮(DHEA)对低氧内皮细胞条件培养液(HECCM)刺激肺动脉平滑肌细胞 (PASMC)增殖的影响。方法 :体外培养猪肺动脉内皮细胞 (PAEC) ,制备内皮细胞培养液 ,观察内皮细胞培养液在常氧(NECCM组) ,HECCM组 ,NECCM +DHEA及HECCM +DHEA条件下 ,PASMC细胞周期和PASMCPCNA表达。结果 :与NECCM组对照 ,HECCM可促进PASMC增殖 ,HECCM +DHEA ,能抑制G0/G1 期细胞向S期转化及PASMCPCNA的表达。结论
Objective:To investigate the effect of DHEA on the pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells(PASMC)proliferation stimulated by the hypoxic endothelial cell conditioned medium(HECCM).Methods:the porcine pulmonary arterial endothelial cells(PAEC)and porcine PASMC were cultured in vitro.The norˉmoxic endothelial cell conditioned medium(NECCM)and hypoxic endothelial cell conditioned medium(HECCM)were prepared.The NECCM,HECCM,NECCM+DHEA,HECCM+DHEA were added into the cultured PASMCs respectively.The samples were studied by flow cytometic analysis and PCNA immunohistoˉchemistry on PASMC.Results:Compared with the NECCM group,HECCM could stimulate PASMC prolifˉeration,by promoting the cells from G 0 /G 1 phase into S phase,and enhance the PCNA expression.DHEA could inhibit cultured PASMC proliferation stimulated by the HECCM,and arrested them at the G 0 /G 1 phase,accompanied with remarkable reduction of PCNA expression.Conclusion:The DHEA can inhibit the PASMC proliferation induced by HECCM.
Tianjin Medical Journal