

Gold price shows no optimism at new century's beginning
摘要 Due to suffering high pressure, gold price in the first month of 2001 averaged $265. 49 per ounce, marking an sad starting for the new century. Till now, gold price has been keeping at low level. As a reaction, the central bank readjusted the purchasing price for Standard gold No. 1 to RMB70. 35 Yuan/g, which is the 21st price changes since 1993. The international gold price is approaching to the lowest record in 1999, $252/oz. If the mental price collapses, it may further drop down to $240/oz. However, some favourable factors can not be completely eliminated that may enable gold price to have a considerable rebound. While generally speaking, it is hard to be optimistic for the gold price in 2001. Due to suffering high pressure, gold price in the first month of 2001 averaged $265. 49 per ounce, marking an sad starting for the new century. Till now, gold price has been keeping at low level. As a reaction, the central bank readjusted the purchasing price for Standard gold No. 1 to RMB70. 35 Yuan/g, which is the 21st price changes since 1993. The international gold price is approaching to the lowest record in 1999, $252/oz. If the mental price collapses, it may further drop down to $240/oz. However, some favourable factors can not be completely eliminated that may enable gold price to have a considerable rebound. While generally speaking, it is hard to be optimistic for the gold price in 2001.
作者 王扬
出处 《中国黄金珠宝》 2001年第2期13-15,共3页 CHINA GOLD JEWELRY
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