
解放思想 开门办院 推进军区医院快速发展 被引量:7

Emancipate Mind and Open Door to Public to Advance the Development of Military Hospital
摘要 本文回顾了兰州军区医院实施“开门办院”四年来,主动适应医疗市场竞争和国家医疗卫生体制改革,努力提高军事斗争卫勤准备能力的基本做法。深刻分析了只有坚持解放思想,走“开门办院”的路子,才能推进军区医院健康快速发展。坚持以观念更新为先导,解放思想,用与时俱进的思想方法谋求医院发展的新思路。坚持姓“军”为兵,面向社会,以开放促发展的观念谋医院发展之路。坚持以科技进步为核心,大力发展特色技术,把加强重点学科建设、发展特色技术放在主体建设首位。着力打造设备优势,夯实医院发展基础。全力提高人才队伍的整体素质,形成有利于医院可持续发展的人才队伍结构。坚持以规范管理为手段,建立和完善管理机制,医疗质量管理工作要走上重质量、重服务、重绩效、重法治的健康发展轨道。加强卫生经济管理,理顺医院内部经济管理运行体系。搞好医院信息化管理,初步实现医院管理网络化、自动化目标。坚持以服务部队为根本,把握医院“姓军为兵”的发展方向,把发展效益体现在提高官兵医疗保障水平上,把发展水平体现在提高军事斗争卫勤准备质量上,把发展成果体现在提高卫生工作整体进步上。 This article review basic methods of adapting to medical market competition and national health care system reform voluntarily and making great efforts to improve the ability of health service support since the implement of 'open the door to public' of military hospitals in Lanzhou military army area command four years ago. Analyze deeply that only insisting on emancipating the mind and taking the way of 'open the door to public' could advance the development of military hospital. Insist on regarding idea renovation as the guide, emancipating the mind and seeking the new way of development with the thinking of growing with each passing hour. Insist on serving the army, gearing to the needs of the society and seeking development with open mind. Insist on core of scientific and technological progress, developing characteristic technology, strengthening characteristic subject. Form the advantage of equipment and tamp the development foundation of hospital. Improve the whole quality of talent's team with all strength and form the structure of talent's team favorable to sustainable development of the hospital. Insist on regarding standardizing management as the means, building and perfecting the mechanism of management. The medical quality control should focus on quality, service and performance. Strengthen the health economic management and make the operation system of the economic management inside the hospital in order. Strengthen the information manage, realize the networked and automatic goal of the hospital management. Insist on regarding serving the army as foundation and holding the developing direction that 'serving the army' of the hospital, and regarding the soldiers' health level as develop benefit, the health service support ability as develop level, the improvement of health work as develop achievement.
作者 汪军武
出处 《解放军医院管理杂志》 2004年第4期304-306,共3页 Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
关键词 医院发展 开门办院 兰州军区 准备 求医 卫生经济管理 医院可持续发展 快速发展 推进 坚持 military hospital development military battle health service preparation
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