
不稳定髌骨外移度测量方法的探讨 被引量:1

Discussion of the way to measure the dislocation degree in the unstable patella.
摘要 目的 :探讨髌骨外移的影像学分度测量方法 ,为临床精确测量及治疗提供依据。方法 :本研究利用CR成像技术对已确诊为髌骨外移的 30例病人进行髌骨外移的分度测量 ,主要测量髌骨最大横径中点到股骨内、外髁顶点连线的内侧缘垂线的距离 ,以此距离与髌骨最大横径长度作比较 ,将髌骨外移分为四度。结果 :本组 30例病例经CR测量 ,15例为髌骨Ⅰ度外移 ,8例为髌骨Ⅱ度外移 ,5例为髌骨Ⅲ度外移 ,2例为髌骨Ⅳ度外移 ,即髌骨完全性脱位。各组病例与其不同的临床症状吻合。结论 :①CR成像技术对髌骨的外移进行了准确的测量。②髌骨的外移分度测量 ,为髌骨外移的影像学诊断提供了一种准确、直观的测量方法 ,为临床治疗方法的选择提供了科学依据。 Objective:To explore the imaging measure methods of dislocation of patella and provide the evidence for clinical measurement and treatment.Methods:30 petients have diagonosed dislocation of patella by CR image technology were measured, especially the distance between the midpoint of longest diameter of patella and the vertical line between the top point of the external and internal condyle of femur.The length was compared with the longest diameter of patella and divided the dislocation of patella into four degree.Results:30 patients were measured by CR,15cases were in degree one,8cases in degree two,5 cases in degree three,2 cases in degree four.The symptom of every degree accord with their clinical symptom respectively.Conclusion:①CR image technology could exactly measure the dislocation of patella;②it was an accurate and intuitionistic method to measure the dislocation of patella by degree and provide scientific evidence for clinical treatment.
出处 《中国中西医结合影像学杂志》 2004年第3期189-190,193,共3页 Chinese Imaging Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine
关键词 髌骨 分度 CR成像 临床治疗 吻合 病例 股骨 影像学 病人 脱位 Unstable patella External dislocation degree Measure methods
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