Halahai wetland is located in northeast Longjiang County, Heilongjiang Province. Five cranes were recorded here. A survey on cranes was made in April 15 to May 30. 2 species of cranes were seen here. They are Red-crowned Crane and White-naped Crane. 151 Red-crowned Crane was found in spring migration in April 2000; 21 families and 53 Red-crowned Crane were found. They were 41 adults and 12 juveniles. The ratio of adult and juvenile was 3.42:1. 10 adults and 4 juveniles were recorded in summer. Only 6 White-naped Crane were seen in spring 2000, and no breeding individual was record here for some years. Hooded Crane, Siberian Crane and Demoiselle Crane have disappeared over ten years. The threat reasons for cranes were analyses, and conservation methods were provided.
Territory & Natural Resources Study