文章在回顾四川山地地震勘探 5 1年的发展历程和辉煌业绩之后 ,针对四川地震勘探存在的问题 ,提出了进行精确静校正的方法 ;认为采用多空间地震成像———CT与τ -P剥层方法 ,可对检波器放在炮井中接收的单次资料进行精确偏移成像 ;在油气水预测方面 ,指出提升原始资料分辨率的重要性和方法 ,以改善预测效果 ;对川东大山区的高陡构造 ,提出把检波器放在炮井中接收的三维采集试验是提高成像的正确方法 ,在开发深井中进行激发和接收的技术 ,可正确测定目的层陡倾地层。用以上方法生产的高新产品将占领国内外山地地震勘探的市场 ,开创新的辉煌。
In the paper, after having reviewed the course of developing mountain seismic exploration for 51 years in Sichuan and the glorious achievements obtained and in light of the problems existing in the seismic exploration in Sichuan, the methods of carrying out exact static correction are proposed; it is considered that the exact migration imaging of single fold data received by the geophones in shot-holes can be finished by use of CT and τ-P layer-stripping methods; it is painted out that, through raising the resolution factor of original data, the effectiveness of predicting oil-gas-and water-bearing strata can be improved; and it is put forward that, for the high-steep structures in the high mountain, region of East Sichuan, the single-fold 3-D acquisition test received by the geophones in shotholes is a correct method and the high-angle formation may be correctly determined by use of the shooting and receiving techniqus carried out in deep development wells. The novel and high-quality products used for the methods mentioned above will dominate the domestic and foreign markets, thus creating a new brilliance of mountain seismic exploration.
Natural Gas Industry