
用流式细胞仪探讨桐花树叶肉细胞大小和叶绿素含量与海水盐度的关系 被引量:1

Study of the Relationship Between Cell Size,Chlorophyll Content of Aegiceras corniculatum Mesophyll and Seawater Salinity by FCM
摘要 采用快速离析的方法,用流式细胞仪分析了福建九龙江入海口北岸生长的桐花树(Aegicerascorniculatum)成熟叶片的叶肉细胞大小和叶绿素含量与海水盐度之间的关系.结果表明:盐度为13时,桐花树单位体积叶肉组织叶绿素含量最高,细胞表面积和光合面积最大.海水盐度低于13时,随着盐度升高,叶肉细胞大小和叶绿素含量等向有利于生长方向发展;海水盐度为13~25,随着盐度的升高,细胞大小和叶绿素含量等向加强生理干旱适应性方向发展.快速离析法与流式细胞仪综合应用为研究植物器官、组织内的细胞大小及其内含有的叶绿素等物质的含量提供了可能. This article studies the size and the chlorophyll content in the mesophyllic cell of Aegiceras corniculatum growing under different seawater salinity in north bank of Jiulong river in Xiamen,Fujian by the method of isolation and flow cytometry(FCM).We intent to prove cell configuration's adaption to the environment again,check up the feasibility of this method and expand the application of flow cytometry.These results show that: when seawater salinity is 13,the chlorophyll content in unit volume in the mesophyll cell of Aegiceras corniculatum is in its tiptop,and the surface area and the photosynthesis area of the mesophyll cell are the biggest.The condition of salinity when it is below 13 is favorable for the growth of cell size and chlorophyll content.Better adaptability to physiological drought will be developed with the increase of salinity when it falls at 13~25.All above prove that it is feasible to study the cell size and the chlorophyll content of organic cells of different plants by the method of fast isolation and by using FCM.
出处 《厦门大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第5期714-717,共4页 Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science
关键词 叶绿素含量 叶肉细胞 树叶 成熟叶片 光合面积 生理干旱 生长 流式细胞仪 升高 组织内 Kandelia candel petiolar parenchyma cell chlorophyll FCM salinity
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