目的 :探讨慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔引流术后并发症的原因及相应治疗措施 .方法 :对收治的慢性硬膜下血肿 (CSDH) 132例进行回顾性总结 ,并对发生并发症的 17例进行分析和讨论 .结果 :17例并发症主要为颅内积气 (17例 )、硬膜下积液 (6例 )、继发性颅内出血 (7例 )、机化血肿 (4例 ) ,经二次钻孔引流或开颅手术后均获得痊愈 .结论 :做好术前病情分析 ,认真阅读影像学资料 。
Objective: To probe the cause and relative treatment of the complications with CSDH by trepanation and drainage. Methods: 132 cases with CSDH from June, 1998 to November,2002 were retrospectively reviewed,and 17 cases with complications were analyzed and discussed. Results: The complications in 17 cases mainly include intracranial pneumatosis (17?cases) ,subdural effusion (6?cases), secondary intracranial hemorrhage (7?cases), organized hematoma (4?cases), they were all cured by the second trepanation and drainage or crainotomy .Conclusion: Carefully analyzing patients’ situations before operations, paying all attention to reading image files, making feasible operation plans were important for decreasing complications.
Journal of Kunming Medical College