目的 通过对住院患者检测艾滋病病毒 (HIV)抗体 ,了解HIV感染及艾滋病 (AIDS)在人群中的发病状况和流行病学意义。方法 对 2 0 0 0年 1月~ 2 0 0 2年 12月住院病人 ,常规采用明胶颗粒凝集试验或HIV抗体金标快速测试进行初筛 ,阳性者由北京市疾病预防控制中心复检确定。结果 3337份血清共检出 4 8例HIV抗体阳性 ,阳性率 1 4 4 %。其中静脉吸毒者 4 5例 ,占 1 35 % (4 5 / 3337) ;性传播感染者 3例。男 4 4例 ,占 1 32 % (4 4 /3337) ;女 4例。少数民族 37例 ,汉族 11例。年龄 2 0~ 4 9岁 4 7例 ;无业 4 6例 ;小学及以下文化程度 4 6例。其中2 3例已确定为AIDS。结论 HIV在高危人群中有很高的感染率 ,以静脉吸毒为主要感染途径 ,男性感染率明显高于女性 ,少数民族、青壮年、无业人员、小学及以下文化程度者阳性率高。在高危人群中宣传有关AIDS的知识已经成为预防AIDS的最根本措施之一。
Objective To know HIV infection,its onset and development of AIDS among patients admitted to our hospital. Methods We screened suspected inpatients admitted from 2000 to 2002 to our hospital with fast-testing of their HIV antibody. Then we sent the positive samples to the Beijing CDC to conduct the confirmed tests. Results We detected HIV positive antibodies in 48(1.44%) of 3337 serum samples. These positive samples included 45 from intravenous drug abusers,3 from heterosexual population;44 were males and 4 were persons without stable jobs;46 received only primary education;23 were confirmed as AIDS. Conclusion High incidence of acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) was seen in HIV high risk groups who mainly came from intravensous drug abusers,males,national minority,young persons without stable jobs and persons receiving only primary education.Therefore,it is necessary to propagate the knowledge of preventing spread of AIDS among HIV high risk groups.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD