目的 预测艾滋病 (AIDS)流行对广东省社会经济造成的直接危害———医疗保健费用激增的程度。方法 通过定性调查和病历研究 ,揭示广东省艾滋病病毒 (HIV) /AIDS发生发展的一般规律 ,结合社会经济发展相关指标进行假设推断 ,计算个体医疗保健花费和 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 10年广东省HIV/AIDS累计医疗费用。结果 1999年 1例AIDS患者的门诊医疗费用约 1 6万元 /年 ,住院医疗费用约 10 17万元 /年 ;到 2 0 10年 ,1例AIDS患者含抗病毒治疗在内的门诊医疗费用约 8 0 8万元 /年 ,住院医疗费用约 12 6 5万元 /年。随着AIDS的流行 ,广东省 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 10年AIDS医疗花费累计将达 38 9亿~ 5 8 8亿元。结论 AIDS在危害居民身心健康的同时 ,将造成极大的医疗经济负担 ,目前应抓住机遇 ,利用一切可以利用的资源遏制AIDS的流行。
Objective To project the HIV/AIDS medical expenses which were thought to exert direct impact on socio-economic development in Guangdong province. Methods Based on qualitative surveys and medical record studies the general trend of the development and progression of local HIV/AIDS cases was revealed,and the individual medical expenses related to HIV/AIDS were estimated,and the accumulative expenditures in the province from 2000 to 2010 in combination with related indices of the socio-economic development were also taken into account. Results The annual expenditure of an AIDS outpatient was 16 thousands yuan in 1999,and an inpatient would spend 101.7 thousands yuan per year. It will cost 80.8 thousands yuan for an outpatient and 126.5 thousands yuan for an inpatent by year 2010.The ccumulative medical expenditures related to HIV/AIDS will be up to 3.89 to 5.88 billion yuan by the end of 2010. Conclusion The epidemic of HIV/AIDS will impose an enormous economic burden on the health system of Guangdong province and also bring great harm to people's health.Therefore,it is essential to avail ourselves of all resources to curb the spread of the epidemic.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
联合国开发规划署资助(项目名称 :多部门合作预防控制艾滋病
项目编号 :CPR/ 96/ 4 0 2 )