目前首钢在用的电除尘器大多采用侧部机械摇臂锤振打装置 ,该装置存在振打机构故障率高、清灰效果逐渐下降等缺点。阐述了声波清灰技术的工作原理、相关设施和操作数据 ,试验证实 。
The lateral impacting device of mechanical rocker hammer is commonly applied in the many Electro-precipitators in the Capital Iron and Steel Company.For this impacting device,there are disadvantages like high failure rate in the impacting mechanism and de-dusting effect is gradually declining.The working principle,relevant device and operation data of sound wave de-dusting technology are described.With operation practice,using the wave de-dusting device as auxiliary unit for mechanical impacting device can largely increase the de-dusting efficiency of electro-precipitator.
Sulphur Phosphorus & Bulk Materials Handling Related Engineering