目的 调查成都地区海洛因中毒死亡的流行病学规律。方法 统计成都地区 1996年至 2 0 0 2年吸食海洛因中毒死亡数、成都地区人口增长数 ,分析比较两者绝对增长率及吸食海洛因中毒死亡人员的构成特征。结果 ①每年因嗜食海洛因中毒死亡人数总体上呈上升趋势 ;②海洛因中毒死亡者中 ,男性明显比女性多 ,年龄主要集中在 2 0至 4 0岁之间 ,2 0岁以下中毒死亡人数较少 ,并且在中毒死亡者的职业中 ,农民占的比例很大 ,特别是民工 ;③海洛因中毒死亡地点大多数都是比较隐蔽的场所 ,以野外居多 ;④海洛因中毒死亡方式以注射为主 ,中毒死亡者大多数死于上肢静脉注射。结论 加强对外来人员的教育和隐蔽场所的巡查和控制 ,或许是降低海洛因中毒死亡率的一种有效方法之一。
Objective In this study,an attempt was made to investigate the distributive characteristics about the death resulted from heroin abuse in Chengdu district. Methods The death from heroin abuse and population growth were counted from 1996 to 2002 in Chengdu with comparison of the absolute growth rate between two data,and characteristics about the death from heroin abuse were assayed. Results ①The number of death from heroin abuse increased annually; ②The mortality from heroin abuse in male is much higher than that in female,among which the age group ranged from 20 and 40 and farmers accounted for a greater percentage.③The site where death was commonly found was in privacy or deserted countryside.④The way of death from heroin abuse was found by administering intravenous injection on the arm. Conclusion It is wiseable to make the young population and migrants aware of the harm of heroin abuse and monitor the deserted countryside,which can be helpful to reduce the mortality from heroin abuse.
Journal of Wannan Medical College