《听听那冷雨》让人浮想联翩 ,情不自禁 ,有“下凡”之境。作者是以吟诗的方式来构思这篇散文 ,抚今追昔 ,思绪万端。长短句错落有致 ,运用比喻、双声、通感等手法 ,造成一种特殊美感。
The essay Listening to the Cold Rain makes people think a lot.The readers can’t help feeling that they themselves decend to the world like Gods.The author constructs this essay in the way of reading poem,recalling the past and comparing it with the present.In this essay long sentences and short sentences are in picturesque disorder.The author uses such rhetoric devices as metaphor,alliterative compound,tonggan and so on to create a kind of special sense of beauty .
Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges