宽QRS波心动过速是临床常见的心血管急症,可见于室性心动过速和部分室上性心动过速。室性心动过速是一种严重心律 失常,而室上性心动过速一般预后良好。由于二者的治疗原则不同,因此及时和正确地对宽QRS波心动过速进行鉴别诊断在临床 上有十分重要的意义。本文对宽QRS波心动过速的鉴别诊断和治疗原则予以综述。
Wide QRS complex tachycardia is the common clinical cardiovascular emergency case. It is occured in ventricular tachy-cardia(VT) or supraventricular tachycardia(SVT). VT is a kind of serious arrhythmia,But SVT usually have favourable prognosis. Because of the different treating to the VT and SVT,So it's important in clinic that differential diagnosis on wide QRS complex tachycardia. The article is the summary to differential diagnosis and the treating principle to wide QRS complex tachycardia.
Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine