以丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯酰胺(AM)和2-丙烯酰胺基-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)单体为原料,采用水溶液聚合方法合成了三元共聚物吸水材料。考察了合成条件对共聚物吸液率的影响,确定了最佳合成配方,即AMPS:AA:AM摩尔比为1:2:7,交联剂用量0.01%,引发剂用量0.1%,溶液pH为10。评价了该共聚物在不同介质中的吸液率和抗温抗盐性,结果表明,在160 g/L高矿化度盐水中吸液48 h,吸液率达57 g/g;90℃高温老化14 d后吸液率无变化;在220g/L盐水中吸液率也无明显变化,说明此三元共聚物具有良好的吸液率和抗温抗盐性能。
An absorbent with heat resistance and salt tolerance was synthesized from acrylic acid(AA) , acrylamide ( AM) , and 2 - acrylarnido - 2 - methyl propane sulphonic acid using solution polymerization. The effects of reaction conditions on sorption of product were examined and the optimum formula was obtained as follows: the molar ratio of AMPS, AA and AM 1:2:7, dosage of crosslinker and initiator was 0.01% and 0.1% respectively, pH of the solution 10.The result showed that the absorbent had high heat resistance and salt tolerance, and could be used to plug water and modify profile in oil reservoirs with high temperature and high mineralization.
Advances in Fine Petrochemicals