为了适应快速检测的要求,我室今年对牛奶中抗生素残留检测的SNAP快速检测法、DELVOTEST SP试剂盒的可靠性进行了论证,主要内容是研究国标TTC方法、SNAP快速检测法、DELVOTESTSP试剂盒检测牛奶中β-内酰胺类药物的灵敏度和特异性及影响因素,并应用于奶样的检测和比较。我们的结果认为:对于β-内酰胺类药物,SNAP快速检测法、DELVOTESTSP试剂盒灵敏度高于国标TTC方法,特异性与国标TTC方法没有差异。三种方法对奶样的检测结果没有显著性差异。提示上述SNAP快速法、DELVOTEST SP试剂盒可应用于牛奶中抗生素残留的检测,可以考虑作为国标方法的补充。
[Objective] To evaluate the sensitivity of TTC method, SNAP kit and DELVOTEST SP kit for the detection of β - lactam drugs in milk,and the selectivity of the three methods in identifying uncontaminated samples. We also apply the three methods in milk samples and compare the results. Interference from bacteria cells and frozen stability test were studied too. [Method]TTC method,SNAP kit and DELVOTEST SP kit. [Results] For the detection of β- lactam drags m milk, SNAP kit and DELVOTEST SP kit is more sensitive than TTC method, but their selectivity are the same. For SNAP kit and DELVOTEST SP kit, no false results were given in presence of bacterial contamination and when samples were subjected to three freeze/thaw cycles. [Conclution]SNAP kit and DELVOTEST SP kit can be used to detect β- lactam drugs in milk.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology