随着计算机的发展,网络中的安全问题也日趋严重。在TCP/IP协议中,传输的数据都是以明 文进行传输的,所以存在固有安全缺陷,解决这一问题的重要手段就是数据加密,在现代网络通信中,人们 的安全意识越来越强烈,密码学的应用也越来越广泛。本文主要介绍数据加密技术的相关技术及其应用。
With the development of the computer. Net security has become a serious problem. In TCP/IP protocol, the data that transfered use proclaimed in writing, so it has the security bug, to resolve this problem is to use data encryption . In modern network , the people's security consciousness has become stronger and stronger, cryptogram has became widely used. This paper introduces technology of data encrypting and its usage.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Electronics & Information Technology