目的 探讨原发性甲亢手术中甲状腺重量的测定方法 ,为术中甲状腺残存量的控制提供指导性依据。方法 应用双侧甲状腺次全切除术治疗 70例原发性甲亢病人 ,术中用标尺测定甲状腺两侧腺叶上、下极间的平均长度 ,即甲状腺长度。通过“模拟称量法”测定甲状腺残存量 ;术后用药物天枰称量甲状腺切除量 ;甲状腺重量即等于残存量加切除量。结果 70例原发性甲亢手术样本 ,甲状腺长度 (x)范围为 3 .6~ 8.4cm ,甲状腺重量 (y)范围为 15 .5~ 12 0 .7g ,相关分析表明 ,两者相关性良好 (γ =0 .87777,P <0 .0 0 0 1)。术中测定甲状腺长度便可预测甲状腺重量 ,从而决定原发性甲亢手术残存量。结论 原发性甲亢手术中甲状腺长度是一个简单易行且较准确的方法 ,可使甲状腺次全切除术中残存量的保留更加规范化 ,达到原发性甲亢个体化手术切除的目的。
Objective To evaluate the measurement of weight of thyroid gland in thyroidectomy of primary hyperthyroidism, and to provide evidence for the control of thyroid remains.Methods Double side thyroidectomy was performed on 70 patients with primary hyperthyroidism.The average length between the upper and lower lobes of the thyroid was measured by millimetre rule.The thyroid remains was measured by accurate method,and the cut amount of thyroid by scales.The weight of the thyroid equaled to the addition of the remains and the cut amount.Results The weight of the thyroid ranged from 15.5 g to 120.7 g,with the length of 3.6 cm~8.4 cm.There was a good correlation between the thyroid length and weight (r=0.87777,P<0.0001).Measuring the length of the thyroid gland in the operation mayhelp predict its weight.Conclusion Determination of weight of thyroid gland in thyroidectomy of primary hyperthyroidism is a simple and practicable way to control the remains of the thyroid gland. [
Journal of Clinical Surgery
湖南省卫生厅科研基金资助项目 (B2 0 0 3 - 1 4 0 )