目的 探讨反义c myc寡核苷酸 (ASODN)对半乳糖诱导的兔晶体上皮细胞 (LEC)生长的影响。方法 人工合成与c myc基因第二外显子翻译起始区序列互补的寡核苷酸 ,用半乳糖和反义寡核苷酸处理培养的晶体上皮细胞 ,应用细胞计数法和MTT法观察反义c myc寡核苷酸对半乳糖诱导的晶体上皮细胞增殖的影响。结果 2 5~ 10 0 μmol/L反义c myc寡核苷酸能抑制半乳糖诱导的晶体上皮细胞的增殖 ,10 0 μmol/L时作用较显著。 结论 反义c myc寡核苷酸对半乳糖诱导的白内障晶体上皮细胞的生长增殖有抑制作用。
Objective To investigate the effects of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide c-myc (c-myc ASODN) on the growth of rabbit lens epithelial cells (LECs) induced by galactose. Methods Based on the translation initiation region of the second extron of c-myc gene, oligonucleotides were synthesized and modified with phosphorothioate. Lens epithelial cells were treated with galactose and c-myc ASODN. The effects of c-myc ASODN on the growth of LECs, cultured in high concentration of galactose, were observed by cytometry and MTT. Results The results demonstrated that c-myc ASODN at the doses of 2.5-10.0 μmol/L inhibited the growth of LECs induced by galactose in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion These results indicate that c-myc ASODN can inhibit the growth of LEC induced by galactose.
Journal of Third Military Medical University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 394 6 0 0 77)
贵州省科委基金资助项目 [( 2 0 0 0 ) 30 4 1]~~