警察格斗是公安民警在执法战斗中进行抓捕等任务时 ,遭到犯罪嫌疑人或犯罪分子暴力反抗、拒捕时进行的强制手段 ,其行为既受法律的认可 ,又受法律的制约。“一招制敌”是广大公安民警在执法实践中在法律的支配下 ,利用警察格斗技能一招将对象制服或捕获。一招制敌对民警打击犯罪 ,擒获罪犯 ,防身自卫 ,严格执法有着十分重要的意义。
The police wrestle is a conduct that the police encounter the anti-capture of the crime when they are practcing the capture task, and have to exact by force,or fight to death which dominanted and restricted by law. “Attact the enemy in one hit”, when the policeman is in practice, which means that the policeman make full use of it to capture the enemy in one hit under the dominant of the law. It require that the police should have to have the ability of the skill of “attack the enemy in one hit” and use it flecxiblely. The skill of “attack the enemy in one hit” has greatsignificance to the policeman when they acttack and capture the crime and when protect themselves and execute the law.
police wrestle
attack the enemy in one hit
the art of application