通过对中国文化“重文轻武”思想、儒家“入世”与“出世”思想、中国传统的普遍性判断标准、经济现代化思潮的分析 ,探讨了中国文化中影响体育教师教学积极性的不利因素 ,并提出了相关建议。
Culture is a kind of silent language. It has the ability of speaking and provides the expressive symbols that direct people People's behavior. The article analyzes the thought that people emphasize arts and belittle feat, the “entry into the society” and “escape from the society” spirit, the standard of traditional prevalent judgment, the thoughts of economy modernization, and discusses the disadvantageous factor in the Chinese culture that affect the teachers’ teaching positivity, and brings forward relational suggestion.
湖南省教育厅科研资助项目阶段性成果 (编号 :0 2C160 )