Consolidated undrained dynamic triaxial test of the saturated tailings mud under different degree of co- nsolidation and consolidation ratio conditions, is not only doing many work, but also very difficult to carry out a test of the high consolidation ratio because the tailings mud is very soft and its low strength. Based on the dynam- ic strength test law of K c=1.0, 1.5, 2.0 under pure consolidation conditions, the author adopted the method of the suitable extension and gained the dynamic stress σd under different degreet of consolidation and the consolidation ratio and the index C d, Φ d of the dynamic strength. This method has settled the problem that the soft tailings mud can't bear the high stress and gained the test result. The method of this paper may be used for determining all kin- ds of the soft soil dynamic parameters.
China Mine Engineering
tailings mud
degree of consolidation
dynamic strength