目的 :为明确青年军人基础心率 (BHR)和基础血压 (BBP)的分布、正常范围 ,窦性心动过缓 (SB)、显著性窦性心动过缓 (OSB)、高血压的现患率及相关因素。方法 :采用普查法测量某省某军队院校青年学员 (a组 ,15 70人 )和分层整群随机抽样方法测量部分普通驻军官兵 (b组 ,14 30人 )共 30 0 0青年军人的BHR和BBP。结果 :青年军人BHR和BBP的分布均不呈正态分布。BHR的中位数和正常值参考范围 (依百分位数P2 .5~P97.5估计 )、分别为 6 3·min-1、4 7~ 82·min-1;SB和OSB现患率分别为 34.0 %和 5 .4 % ,其中a组、b组SB和OSB现患率a组为 4 5 .0 %和 6 .9% ,b组为 2 1.8%和 3.8% ,二者差异具统计学意义。青年军人SBP、DBP中位数及正常值参考范围 (P2 .5~P97.5)分别为 :110 / 6 6mmHg和 (88~ 14 5 ) / (5 0~ 90 )mmHg ,a、b两组间血压差异无统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 )。依WHO/ISO标准高血压Ⅰ级及Ⅱ级以上的现患率分别为 6 .9%和 0 .3% ;高血压知晓率为 10 .5 % ;治疗率 1.2 %。结论 :青年军人中BHR、BBP水平较低 ,SB和OSB现患率均较高。
AIM: To determine the distribution aspect and the reference ranges of basic heart rate (BHR)and basic blood pressure(BBP) ; to reveal the pr evalence rates of sinus bradycardia (SB) , obvious sinus bradycardia (OSB) and hypertension in youths of military service. METHODS: 3 000 youths aged 18 ~32 in army including 1 570 military school students (grou p a) and 1 430 ordinary military youths (group b) were investigated by measur ing BHR, BBP and filling questionnaires by the way of combining with overall survey and cluster random sampling. RESULTS: Both of BHR and BB P of youths in army didn′t coincide with normal distribution. The medians,the reference range (estimated by percentiles P 2.5~P 97.5) of BHR were 6 3·min -1 and 47~82·min -1 respectively ,while the prevalence ra t es of SB and OSB were 34.0% and 5.4% respectively. The prevalence rate of SB and OSB in group a(45.0% and 6.9% respectively)was statistically higher than tha t in group b(21.8% and 3.8% respectively). No statistic differences of BBP were observed between group a and group b. The median, the reference range of BBP in military youths were 110/66 mm Hg and (88~145)/(50~90) mm Hg respectively. Fur th ermore prevalence rates of hypertension of grade Ⅰ and Ⅱ above defined by WHO/ ISO standard were 6.9% and 0.3% respectively with totally 10.5% of awareness rat e and 1.2% of therapy rate. CONCLUSION: The military youths posses s low BHR and BBP level,and high prevalence rate of SB and OSB.
Chinese Heart Journal