
永磁型无轴承电机的无传感器运行研究 被引量:27

摘要 在分析高频信号激励下永磁同步电机数学模型的基础上,针对永磁型无轴承电机无传感器运行的需要,提出了一种基于电机空间凸极跟踪的转子位置估算自检测方法,讨论了利用高频信号注入、外差法空间凸极信号提取及转子位置跟踪观测器设计等位置检测原理和实现技术,并应用这种位置检测方法建立了永磁型无轴承电机无位置传感器的矢量控制系统。仿真研究表明,上述空间凸极跟踪方法能在内插式永磁型无轴承电机全速范围内准确地观测出转子的位置,能在高、低速和大负载扰动下实现无传感器方式的稳定悬浮运行。 On the basis of analyzing the mathematic model of the high-frequency excited PM synchronous machine,a novel rotor position estimation scheme using saliency-tracking self-sensing method was suggested in this paper,which will meet the need of sensorless operation for a PM type bearingless motor.The rotor position detecting principle,such as the injection of high-frequency carrier signal,the heterodyning algorithm for space-saliency signal extraction,the design of the tracking observations for rotor position estimation,and their implementation technique were all discussed.And then,the sensorless vector control system of PM type bearingless motor was set up based on this position estimation approach.Simulation study demonstrates that the proposed space-saliency tracking method is capable of precisely estimating the rotor space position in the full speed regions for an interior PM type bearingless motor and is able to achieve stable sensorless suspension operation under the condition of low or high speeds with heavy load disturbance.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期101-105,共5页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50237030) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(502050)
关键词 无传感器 永磁 无轴承电机 转子位置 无位置传感器 矢量控制系统 运行 大负载 外差法 自检测 PM type bearingless motor Sensorless operation High-frequency signal injection Space-saliency tracking
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