Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Ophthalmology )
1Yamagami S, Tsuru T, Isobe M, et al. The role of cell adhesion molecules in allgraft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty in mice. Clinical and immunohistochemical study. Grafes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, 1996,234: 382-387.
2Nakamura M, Chikama T, Nishida T. Up-regulation of integrin alpha 5 expression by combination of substance P and insulin-like growth factor-1 in rabbit corneal epithelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1998,246:777-782.
3Matsuda A, Tagawa Y, Matsuda H. TGF-beta2, tenasein, and integrin betal expression in superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis. Jpn J Ophthalmol, 1999,43:251-256.
4Friedlander M, Brooks PC, Shaffer RW, et al. Definition of two angiogenic pathways by distinct alpha v integrins. Science, 1995,270:1500-1502.
5Zhang H, Li C, Baciu PC. Expression of integrins and MMPs during alkaline-bm-induced corneal angiogenesis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2002,43:955-962.
6Matsumoto K, Shimmura S, Goto E, et al. Lecithin-bound superoxide dismutase in the prevention of neutrophil-induced damage of corneal tissue. Invest Ophthalmol Vis SCi, 1998,39:30-35.
7Stepp MA, Zhu L. Upregulation of alpha 9 integrin and tenascin during epithelial regeneration after debridement in the cornea. J Histochem Cytocbem, 1997,45:189-201.
8Stepp MA, Zhu L, Cranfill R. Changes in beta 4 integrin expression and localization in vivo in response to corneal epithelial injury.Invest Ophthalmol Vis SCi, 1996,37:1593-1601.
9Latvala T, Paallysaho T,Tervo K, et al. Distribution of alpha 6 and beta 4 integrins following epithelial abrasion in the rabbit cornea. Acta Ophthalmol Scand, 1996,74:21-25.
10Ebihara N, Yokoyama T, Kimura T, et al. Anti VLA-4 monoclonal antibody inhibks eosinophil irffiltration in allergic conjunctivitis model of guinea pig. Curr Eye Res, 1999,19:20-25.
1汪枫桦,张皙.玻璃体后脱离和玻璃体视网膜疾病[J].临床眼科杂志,2002,10(1):91-93. 被引量:5
3石明华,蒋海翔,叶应嘉,牛晓光,陈毕峰.屈光手术在成人斜视弱视领域中的应用[J].眼科新进展,2015,35(12):1184-1187. 被引量:5
4姜媛,孙晓东.炎症在年龄相关性黄斑变性的发病机制中的作用[J].上海交通大学学报(医学版),2008,28(6):728-730. 被引量:2
5王金华,宋秀君.黏蛋白和干眼的研究进展[J].眼科新进展,2007,27(3):239-240. 被引量:13
7刘双珍,蒋莉,王剑峰.视黄酸对培养的鸡巩膜成纤维细胞增殖及超微结构的影响[J].国际眼科杂志,2005,5(1):62-65. 被引量:6
8谷万章,王玉国,周丽霞.浅谈视网膜新生血管[J].中国实用眼科杂志,2004,22(8):589-590. 被引量:13
9蔡蓉蓉,张朝然.粘蛋白与干眼症[J].眼科研究,2008,26(11):877-880. 被引量:19
10周佳,郭文毅.角膜神经相关眼病的研究进展[J].眼科研究,2008,26(6):473-476. 被引量:6