

18F-FDG PET in the staging and evaluating of the response to therapy for lymphoma
摘要 18F鄄FDGPET显像对淋巴瘤的诊断、分期作用显著,对淋巴瘤病灶的探测灵敏度和准确性高于67Ga显像。在化疗过程中和化疗后持续18F鄄FDGPET阳性对预测复发有高灵敏度。治疗结束时18F鄄FDGPET阴性提示患者预后好。与其他常规显像相比,18F鄄FDGPET在监测淋巴瘤疗效、判断治疗反应方面有独特优势。 F-FDG PET is an important imaging technique in the stage of patients with lymphoma and more sensitive and accurate than gallium scintigraphy. Persistently positive PET imaging during and after chemotherapy have a high sensitivity for predicting subsequent relapse. A negative PET imaging at the end of therapy provides favorable prognostic information. Compared to other conventional imaging modalities, 18F-FDG PET significantlyimproves the accuracy of imaging tumors in initial staging, and monitoring of therapy response of lymphoma.
作者 赵晋华
出处 《国外医学(放射医学核医学分册)》 2004年第5期210-212,共3页 Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Radiation Medicine and Nuclear Medicine)
关键词 淋巴瘤 肿瘤分期 治疗反应 正电子发射体层显像 ^18F-氟代脱氧葡萄糖 lymphoma stage response to therapy positron emission tomography 18F-fluorodeoxyglu-cose
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