1992年和1993年对田间的17个甘蓝型油菜品种(系),6个属种间杂种的小孢子进行了培养,并对基本培养基、蔗糖浓度和激素对小孢子胚状体诱导的影响进行了研究,以建立田间植株的小孢子培养体系。试验结果表明,NLN、KR和K三种培养基均可使小孢子形成胚状体,但从产胚率和胚状体的质量看,以NLN最佳。在所有的处理中,10%蔗糖没有诱导出胚状体,13%蔗糖是有效的。在两年的试验中,0.01~0.1 mg·L^(-1)2,4-D对某些品种(系)的小孢子胚的发生具有促进作用,2,4-D与BA组配使用效果更好。0.05~0.5 mg·L^(-1)NAA与0.01~0.05 mg·L^(-1)BA组合未表现有利作用。在供试的23份材料中,17份产生了胚状体,每花药产生鱼雷到子叶期胚数是0.05~11.03枚,6个杂种的小孢子均产生了胚状体。说明不同品种(系)来源诱导反应有很大差异,一般杂种小孢子的诱导反应比品种好。
The microspores of 17 varieties or strains of brassica napus and 6 intergeneric and interspecific F_1 hybrids of cruciferae grown under field conditions were cultured.Of 23 entries tested, 17 induced embryoids, including 6 F_1 hybrids, ranged from 0.05~11.03 embryoids/anther. Over 85% of them regenerated plantlets. In general, the induction of embryoid from interspecific and intergeneric hybrids is much easier than from ordinary Brassica napus species or strains.The effects of basic media. Sucrose content and concentration and combination of hormone on embryogenesis were studied. Compared with KR and K media, NLN medium was the best one for microspore culture. When 10% of sucrose concentration in media was used it was failed to form embryoid in all treatments. To increase the sucrose strength to 13% was successful for producing embryoid. 0.01~0.1 mg·L^(-1) 2,4-D added to NLN medium stimulated the cell division and embryogensis in some tested materials. 2,4-D in combination with BA was favourable for embryoid development. The role of 0.05~0.5 mg·L^(-1) NAA in combination with 0.01~0.05 BA mg·L^(-1) was not fitted for embryoid induction.
Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
Brassica napus, intergeneric and interspecific hybrid, microspore culture, embryoid induction.