
2001年~2003年重庆市18家医院头孢菌素类药物利用分析 被引量:10

Analysis of Cephalosporins Consumption in 18 Hospitals of Chongqing During 2001~2003 Period
摘要 目的为医院头孢菌素类药物应用管理提供依据。方法对2001年~2003年重庆市18家医院头孢菌素类药物的品种、用药金额、用药频度(DDDs)等进行统计分析。结果3年中,头孢菌素类药物的用药金额年平均增长率为23.34%;第三代头孢菌素类药物约占50%,用量最大;2003年与2001年比较,第三代头孢菌素类药物DDDs上升540.49%,日用药金额则下降75.22%;第四代头孢菌素类药物年用药金额<2%,用量<03%。结论第三代头孢菌素类药物用量剧增,为减少细菌耐药性的发生,应尽快采取措施防止滥用该类药物。 OBJECTIVE:To provide a basis for management of use of cephalosporins in hospital METHODS:The cephalosporins used in 18 hospitals of Chongqing in 2001~2003 were statistically analysed in respect to the kind,consumption sum and DDDs etc RESULTS:During the 3-year period,the sum of cephalosporins consumption increased with an annual rate of 23 34%,of which the third generation cephalosporins were the maximum consumption in kind accounting for 50% of total cephalosporins used Compared to those in 2001,DDDs of the third generation cephalosporins increased 540 49%,but DDDc decreased 75 22% As for fourth generation cephalosporins,the annual sum and consumption were under 2% and 0 3% respectively CONCLUSION:The consumption of the third generation cephalosporins has increased sharply In order to reduce and delay the bacteria resistance,it is very important to make measures as soon as possible to control the cephalosporins abuse strictly
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2004年第11期678-680,共3页 China Pharmacy
关键词 头孢菌素 耐药性 用药分析 cephalosporin antibiotic-resistance analysis of drug use
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