The materials in relation to the mineralization in the sedimentometamorphicboron helt through East Liaoning-South Jilin region had a close link with ancientvalconic activitics,then coming together into the deepest parts of the EarlyProterozoic semigraben basin.In these tectonic depressions,three boron-bearingsedimentary cycles have so far been recogniged.The first cycle,represented byWengquangou deposit,is dominated by magnetite-ascharite paragenesis.The secondis well-developed in Gaotaigou deposit with the same mineral paragenesis as the first.The third,made up of ascharite alone,yields quite a few large-sized deposits likeHouxianyu,Zhuanmiao,etc.,of the most important economy.In all these cycles,the magnesiocarbonate rocks are believed as source beds which later converted intomineralizing solutions in the presence of metamorphic fluids associated with Lüliangmovement.At the same time,these solutions were governed and directed by interbedshear stress from EW-trending folding into the low pressure zones of flanks of folds,or into the incoherent zones of their axes.These two structural environments greatlyfavoured them to concentrate,replace,precipitate and eventually form boratedeposits.From the above explanation,it is not difficult to sum up that the sourcebeds of magnesiocarbonate rock are exactly what is seen today to be boratized beds,displaying a extreme strataboundnese.In a word,almost all of orebodies lie eitheralong overturn or steep flanks of EW-striking anticlinoriums and anticlines whereinterbed shearing took place vigorously,or at steep-dipping parts of flanks ofsecondary synclines.Later,by Mesozoic-Cenozic times,neotectonism caused theorebeds to deform,even break down and plastically flow,impeled by interbed shearstress,into axial parts Of anticlines or into footrwalls of normal faults.All this isclearly reflceted in the EW-trending anticlinorium and anticlines of the third cyelewhich are reasonably regarded as prospective exploration targets in the future.