Ghrelin主要是由胃分泌的一种激素 ,是迄今为止唯一在体内发现的生长激素释放激素受体的天然配体 ,有强大的促生长激素分泌的作用。经研究发现 ,Ghrelin的功用远不止如此 ,它还有许多不依赖于促生长激素释放作用的病理生理作用 ,如调节食欲、维持能量平衡等 ,在人类多种疾病中发挥作用 。
The hormone ghrelin is secreted mainly by stomach ,and is the only nature ligand that had been found by now for growth hormone releasing hormone receptor. Although the action for stimulating the secretion of growth hormone is very strong, it's only one part of ghrelin's action. It has many other actions in pathology and physiology, some of which are independent of it's stimulation to growth hormone releasing, such as regulating appetite, maintaining the energy equilibrium etc. We can find ghrelin's action in many human disease. This article is a review for the study in these parts.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates