目的 :评估静脉曲张手术方法———TriVex术的疗效 ,总结其常见术后并发症的治疗方法。方法 :2 5 0例 (32 8条肢体 )静脉曲张病人 ,在硬膜外或腰麻加用静脉麻醉下 ,采用TriVex系统的刨刀 ,在带灌注的冷光源引导下 ,行微创刨吸曲张静脉切除术。结果 :病人术后住院天数 2~ 12d ,平均 4 .4 6d ,术前溃疡于术后全部愈合 ,色素沉着明显减轻。术后 5 2条肢体出现血肿 ,3例感染 ,随访发现 2例复发。结论 :采用该术式可简化手术操作过程 ,能较彻底去除曲张静脉而又减少手术创伤 。
Objective: Report the preliminary experience with a new surgical endoscopic technique, the Transilluminated Powered Phlebectomy(TriVex System, Smith+Nephew) for removal of varicose veins. Methods: There were 250patients (328limbs) with a mean age of 52 years, 69 were women and 89 were men. Operations were performed under spinal, or epidural anesthesia with intravenous anesthesia. The powered vein resector and an irrigated illigated illuminator device —a minimally invasive system was used for varicose vein surgery. Results: After operations, the patients were in hospital for 2~12 days, a mean day of 4.46 days, After operations, complications were occurred. 52 cases with hematoma, 3 cases wounds infection. Ulcers were recovered and pigmentations were deceased. Conclusion:This new surgical device is swift, a minimally invasive and efficacious with a conservation of operation time. The results were satisfactory to the patients.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine