The Boao Energy Forum for Asia jointly organized by Iran'sMinistry of Foreign Affairs was held in Tehran from July 17 to 19,2004. It was attended by 320 delegates from 13 countries andregions, including China, Iran, Australia, Japan, etc. What followsis an interview on energy cooperation in Asia with some seniordelegates attending the forum.Long Yongtu, general secretary of Boao Forum Asia, pointedout that the increasing demand of Asian countries for energy,especially for oil and natural gas, as a result of their steady andhigh-speed economic growth, has emerged as a growing concernof the nations in Asia and the world at large. In responding to thejoint proposal of the Iranian ambassador to China and the BoaoForum delegates, Boao Forum for Asia decided to convene in Iranan energy forum to explore issues such as energy developmentand cooperation in Asia. The large number of representativesattending the forum is more than enough to indicate the necessityand significance of holding such a forum. 'There is a voice sayingthat the rising powers in Asia are taking away the limited oil andnatural gas resources of the world. This is not true. Though thereis an increase of energy consumption in Asian countries becauseof their robust economic growth, the demand growth is not as highas some may believe. One of the conclusions we get from thisforum is that we definitely have common interest in the field ofenergy. For instance, we all hope to have safe and reliable oiltransportation routes and stable international oil prices. They arebeneficial to both oil producers and consumers and form the basisfor long-term cooperation among them,' Long noted, 'There aremany factors contributing to the rise in oil prices, and China's oil13T..consumption increase is not the major one, given the fact China'soil trade volume accounts for only 4.5% of the world total. Therise in oil price is primarily caused by the instability in some ofthe oil-producing regions, terrorist activities, as well as the hugeexpansion of the abnormal trade in the oil futures market.'When talking about the competition and cooperation ofChinese oil companies in overseas markets, Mr. Fu Chengyu,head of the Chinese delegation to the energy forum and Presidentof the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC),noted, 'What Chinese oil companies seek for getting into theoverseas markets and launching oil projects there is cooperationrather than competition, or, it is what is termed as cooperationamidst competition. By seeking cooperation when launchingprojects abroad, Chinese oil companies could well take advantageof each other's strengths and achieve synergic effect.' Mr. Fuwent on to say that for CNOOC, 'this is only the beginning toimplement our 'Go Out' strategy. In seeking cooperation inoverseas oil business, our strategies are 'coordinated development,cutting-edge technology, first-class human capital and low-costoperation' and will make better use of our own strength. We planto invest about 1 to 2 billion US dollars each year in thisendeavor. In the meantime, we will increase our spending onR&D and contribute to the economic development of overseashost nations by introducing leading-edge technologies into ouroverseas projects.'
International Petroleum Economics