轻钢立柱墙体是低层冷弯型钢建筑中一种新型的墙体结构形式 ,对轻钢立柱墙体中主要承力构件C型截面立柱试件进行了轴心承载力性能试验研究。墙体立柱试件分不带墙板和带墙板两类 ,通过对 1∶1模型试件试验结果得出 :考虑墙板支承效应可大大提高立柱屈曲承载能力 。
The walls with light steel studs is a new wall system for a low rise cold formed steel house The load carrying capacity of wall studs with cold formed C section is studied by axial compression tests The specimens of wall stud are divided into two types, i.e. the ones with panels and those without The test results show that load carrying capacity of studs is increased greatly by considering the effects of panel support The calculating suggestions for axial compression studs with and without panels are presented
Steel Construction