The MOBILE is a logic element realizing the monostable-bistable transition of a circuit that consists of two resonant tunneling transistors—the resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) connected in series. It has several advantages including multiple inputs and multiple functions. In this paper, by connecting a heterojunction phototransistor (HPT) with the MOBILE, a novel optoelectronic functional device can be got, which presents the function of both photocurrent switching and photocurrent latching. These behaviors have been demonstrated for the first time by simulating experiments and circuit simulations, with RTDs firstly manufactured in China. Research indicates that the novel photo-controlled MOBILE has the same logic functions as conventional electrical MOBILE except for with light as an input signal.
The MOBILE is a logic element realizing the monostable-bistable transition of a circuit that consists of two resonant tunneling transistors—the resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) connected in series. It has several advantages including multiple inputs and multiple functions. In this paper, by connecting a heterojunction phototransistor (HPT) with the MOBILE, a novel optoelectronic functional device can be got, which presents the function of both photocurrent switching and photocurrent latching. These behaviors have been demonstrated for the first time by simulating experiments and circuit simulations, with RTDs firstly manufactured in China. Research indicates that the novel photo-controlled MOBILE has the same logic functions as conventional electrical MOBILE except for with light as an input signal.
SupportedbyNationalKeyBasicResearch( 973)Foundation(No .2 0 0 2CB31190 5)