油田在开发过程中 ,由于部分油井存在地层供液不足的问题 ,造成抽油机井系统效率低、油井产量低、单耗高等现象 ,为此 ,通过推广应用OEC微电脑采油控制器 ,实现了油井的最佳间抽方案 ,从而确保了油井始终处于最佳运行状态 。
Oil field in the course of developing, because some oil wells have the problem that the stratum supports oil insufficiently, causing oil-pumping-well system weak, oil well output low, unit consumption high. For this reason, through applying OEC microcomputer-oil-production controllers, we can get the best scheme to make oil wells work continuously, namely the principal of that oil-pumping machines moving with oil from the stratum and stopping without it. By it we can guarantee that oil wells are in the best operation state all the time, and achieve the purpose of increasing oil production and reducing energy consuming.
Energy Conservation