经颅多普勒 (TCD)在脑梗死溶栓治疗中应用广泛。溶栓前 ,TCD可判断动脉闭塞部位 ,帮助选择合适的溶栓病例 ;在溶栓中和溶栓后 ,监测血管再通并记录微栓子信号。此外 ,TCD尚具有促进栓子溶解的作用。
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) has been widely used during thrombolytic therapy for cerebral infarction. TCD can determine the site of the occluded arteries and help to select appropriate cases for thrombolysis; it can monitor vascular recanalization and detect microembolic signal during and after the thrombolysis. In addition, it also has the effect on promoting thrombolysis.
Foreign Medical Sciences Cerebrovascular Diseases