无线分组网中 ,由于需要利用电台收发数据 ,于是在 DTE的数据链路层中加入电台协议 ,保证 DTE与电台的通信正常进行是需要解决的基本问题。文章介绍了分片和重组 IP数据报及使用 1 2 1 SL IP协议进行传输的方法 ,通过在搭建的实验环境中进行试验 ,最后文章作出结论并分析了存在的问题。
In wireless packet networks,because we need radio to receive or send data,so a basic problem is how to attach radio protocol to DTE's data link layer and assure communication running well.This paper introduces a method of fragmentizing,reassembling IP package and transmitting them with 121SLIP protocol.At last,the paper makes conclusion and analyses some questions with an experiment.
Computer Development & Applications