目的 :探讨早期乳腺癌的诊断和保留乳房手术的意义。方法 :术中采用无瘤操作技术、电刀切除肿瘤 ,术后给予放疗、化疗及内分泌治疗 (三苯氧胺 )。结果 :单纯癌 36例 ,治愈 32例 ;乳头状腺癌 10例 ,治愈 7例 ,乳头状湿疹样癌 5例 ,治愈 4例 ,血管内皮肉瘤 5例 ,治愈 1例。结论 :重视病史采集与临床查体 ,辅助前哨淋巴活检 ,可使乳腺癌的早期诊断符合率提高 ;对于早期患者倡导保留乳房手术治疗。
Objective To discuss the singnificance of the diagnosis and surgical therapy by preserving breast in early mammary cancer.Methods Adopted nontumor cell operative technique by the electrotome duringoperation and Administenring radio-therapy chemical therapyas weld as endocrine- treatment post operation.Results Simple cancer 36 cases,cured 32 cases, Papillary carcinoma 10 cases, cured 7 cases, paget disease 5 cases,cured 4 cases, Angiosarcoma 5 cases, cured 1 case.Conclusion can increase the coincidence rate to regard collection Of illness history and clinical examnination,assistant biopsy of outpost iymhaden, It is suitable to sparkplug surgical therapy by preservmg breast in early mammary cancer.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques