防溜顶主要运用于编组线、车站、车库及各种专用线上的客、货车辆和机车的停车防溜。近年来 ,铁路机务部门为了解决库内机车防溜问题 ,委托上海铁路站场调速技术中心有限公司研制开发了TDW90 4N型防溜顶。经上海机务段、金华机务段等地实际安装使用 ,取得了显著的效果。本文针对防溜顶的布顶设计和安装运用提出了个人的设计思想 。
Antirunning retarders are mainly used to prevent passenger cars,wagons,and locomotives from running off in the sorting siding,station and sheds,leased lines and so on.In recent years,in order to solve the problems of proventing locomotives from running off in the sheds,Speed Control Technology Centre of Marshalling Station of Shanghai Railway Company Limited is entrusted to develop model TDW904N antirunning retarder.It gains remarkable effect through installing and using in practice in Shanghai locomotive,Jinhua locomotives depot and so on.This paper introduces the design of layout of retarder and method of installing and operation.
Retarders & Speed Control Technology