目的 :探讨介入超声在胸腔液性病变中的诊断治疗价值。方法 :对 74例经超声、CT或MRI证实的有胸腔液性病变患者 ,在实时超声引导下进行抽液 ,根据抽出液的实验室检查结果 ,指导临床治疗的同时应用介入超声行胸腔内注药或冲洗。结果 :本组 74例患者 ,结核性积液52例、癌性积液 1 1例、细菌性积液 4例、浆液渗出性积液 2例、乳糜性积液 2例、胆固醇性积液 1例、真菌性积液 1例、血气胸 1例。在超声引导下抽液同时我们向胸腔内注入相应的药物如抗生素、化疗药等。结果 :2周内 ,以积液体积减少 1 /2以上为有效 ,有效率达 82 % ;体积减少不足 1 /2者占 1 2 %。结论 :超声能发现胸腔内较小范围的积液 ,并能准确地定位于病变区域。应用介入超声抽液可做出可靠的诊断及有效的治疗 。
Objective:Using intervenient ultrasound method to judge the value of diagnosis and treatment in pleural effusion lesion.Methods:74 patients underwent ultrasound,CT or MRI examinations,the effusion could be withdrawn by ultrasound,To inject drug in pleural cavity and pleuroclysis by intervenient ultrasound.Results:the laboratory examination showed 52 patients were tubercular effusion,carcinomatous effusion in 11,bacterial effusion in 4,serous exudative effusion in 2,chylous effusion in 2,cholesterohydrothorax in 1,fungous effusion in l and hemopneumothorax in 1.Within two weeks treatment of antibiotic or chemotherapy,the effective rate was 82%,the volume of pleural effusion ablated decreased more than 50%.Conclusions:The ultrasound can accurately identify the existence of pleural effusion espically the smaller extension Intervenient ultrasound can help to choose appropriat treatment,It is an efficient and safe method with high value on clinical.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry