
上海地区湿地水生维管束植物及其区系特征 被引量:22

<title>uatic Vascular Plants and Their Flora Characteristics in Shanghai Area
摘要 在参照相关资料基础上,结合实地调查,得出上海地区湿地水生维管束植物共49科107属179种。从植物生态型和生活型等方面来划分,上海地区水生维管束植物可主要分为内陆河湖水生植物、河口海岸滩涂植物和湿生植物3种类型。从区系组成来看,包含5种以上的12个较大科构成了上海地区水生维管束植物的主体,其中禾本科和莎草科种类最多;区内各属种数都在10种以下,包含3种以上的属有19属,共79种,分别占总属数的17.8%和总种数的44.2%。从区系分布区类型来看,水生蕨类植物种主要有4种分布区类型,世界分布为主要类型;而水生种子植物属有13种分布区类型,其中6个热带分布类型共有39属,占总属数的61.9%,6个温带分布类型共有24属,占总属数的38.1%,表明上海地区水生种子植物区系具有偏热带性质。同时,讨论了水生维管束植物在湿地生态系统以及湿地生态恢复中的重要作用。 <abstract>anghai area is located in the estuary of the Yangtze River, with rich resources of aquatic vascular plants. Researches on aquatic plants of Shanghai area mainly began from 1990s, but study on the flora characteristics of aquatic vascular plants in Shanghai area has not yet been reported. Basing on some related data and field investigation in Qingpu, Songjiang, Nanhui, Chongming island, Jiuduansha island, Hengsha island, the Huangpu River, and some central parks of Shanghai area, this paper educed that the aquatic vascular plants flora comprised 179 species (including variation) in Shanghai area, belonging to 49 families and 107 genera. Therein, 9 species (7 families and 7 genera) were fern plants, and 170 species were part of seed plants (42 families and 100 genera) . According to the ecological forms and the life forms, all these species could be divided into 3 types (i.e. aquatic plants of rivers and lakes, seabeach and estuarine aquatic plants, and wetland plants). Therein, aquatic plants of rivers and lakes could be divided into emergent type, floating - leaved type, free-floating type and submerged type; Seabeach and estuarine aquatic plants mainly distributed in the tidal zone of Jinshan, Fengxian, Nanhui, Chuansha, Baoshan, Chongming island, Changxing island, Hengsha island and Jiuduansha island, and most belong to emergent type, and two dominant families were Gramineae and Cyperaceae; Wetland plants mainly existed in the high tidal zone, paddyfield, raceway and other moist place, mainly including Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Juncaceae, Polygonaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Compositae, and a few fern plants, and commonly don't hold the dominant position in the community. Because of frequent disturbance of human behaviors, natural communities of aquatic vascular plants have been destroyed. From the statistics of relative great families, 12 greater families (Species≥5) were the principle parts of all the aquatic vascular plants, occupied 62% of total species, and Gramineae and Cyperaceae were the greatest families. From the statistics of greater genera, species of all genera were < 10, and species of 19 greater genera (species≥3) accounted for 44.2% of total species. Aquatic fern plants species had 4 arealtypes, and Cosmopolitan was the main type. Aquatic seed plants genera had 13 areal- types, and Pantropic and North Temperate were the two main types. The genera of 6 tropic- areal types and 6 temperate- areal types occuped 61.9% and 38.1% of total genera, respectively, the aquatic seed plants showed an obvious sub tropic nature in floristic component in Shanghai area. On the other hand, 37 genara belong to Cosmopolitan, reflecting that aquatic plants have universals in geographical distribution, so if we want to clearly distinguish the difference of zonality or regionality of aquatic plants, farther analyses on areal - types of species will be needed in future. Aquatic vascular plants have higher ornamental value, most important of all, being the predominant producer of wetland ecosystem, they play an important role in maintaining the structure and function of whole ecosystem and in sustaining ecosystem services. The ecological restoration of aquatic vegetation is a basilica tache in the ecological restoration of whole ecosystem. Researches on aquatic plants and their flora characteristic could offer some scientific instruction for selecting engineering species, designing reasonable community structure and establishing criteria of ecological restoration in the ecological restoration of wetland ecosystem.
作者 王伟 陆健健
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2004年第3期171-175,共5页 Wetland Science
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973)(2002CB412406)上海市重点学科建设资助项目。
关键词 湿地生态系统 湖水 河湖 水生植物 内陆河 滩涂 实地调查 河口海岸 岸滩 分布类型 <keyword>uatic vascular plants flora characteristics Shanghai area
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